Support your Mission with GovGrants Grants Management Software, Built on Salesforce Platform
GovGrants is a full lifecycle, enterprise-level grants management solution for federal, state, and local governments.

Full Life-Cycle Grants Management Capabilities
Grant managers need a solution that addresses the full grants life-cycle from cradle-to-grave. GovGrants is the industry’s leading enterprise-level grants management solution with capabilities and functionality to support the entire grants process through a single, unified solution.

The State of Utah's Modernization Journey
The increased level of Federal and State funding for grants has brought with it increased administrative and regulatory burden. State and Local governments are struggling to manage billions in grant funds through paper and Excel and risk increased audit findings and debarment.
The State of Utah has recently undergone a transformation of how it manages grants across the state by embarking on an enterprise grants management journey.
Learn What GovGrants Can Do For You
GovGrants is a cloud-based, quick-to-launch, automated grants management system for federal, state, and local governments. This solution brings REI Systems’ 20+ years of experience in building automated grant systems into the SaaS environment, meeting the Government’s shift towards configuration-driven, productized solutions, and providing a cost-efficient alternative for agencies who don’t need the scope or scale of a traditional, custom-built product.

make the lives of Grants
staff easier

have transformed themselves
using GovGrants

the leaders in online grants
management systems